SCS Annual Meeting 2020 - Schedule
Here are the events and panels that I want to attend at this year’s SCS. I’m not sure what I’ll do yet in the case of events/panels that overlap, but please stay tuned to my Twitter for updates!
Thursday 1/2
- 7:30-8:30pm: Joint Opening Night Reception (Liberty I-M)
- 8:15-9:30pm: Madeline Miller, “Writing Back to Homer” (Independence D+E)
- 9:30-11:30pm: WCC/LCC/COGSIP Opening Night Reception (Treasury)
Friday 1/3
- 8-10:30am: Session #1, Evaluating Scholarship, Digital and Traditional (Organized by the Digital Classics Association) (Independence H)
- 1:45-4:45pm: Session #19, Lesbianism Before Sexuality (Organized by the Lambda Classical Caucus) (Independence D)
- 3:30-4:30pm: International Ovidian Society Business Meeting (Monument)
- 4:30-5:30pm: International Ovidian Society Reception (Monument)
Saturday 1/4
- 8-10:30am: Session #34, Humanities Publishing in Transition (Joint AIA-SCS Workshop) (Independence C)
- 10:45am-12:45pm: Session #49, Latin Poetics and Poetic Theory (Mint)
- 5-6:30pm: Presidential Panel (Independence D+E)
- 6:30-7:30pm: Plenary Session (Independence D+E)
- 7:30-8:30pm: SCS Presidential Reception (Mezzanine)
Sunday 1/5
- 8-11am: Session #61, Beyond Reception: Addressing Issues of Social Justice in the Classroom with Modern Comparisons (Independence C) - my panel!
- 11:45-1:45pm: Session #72, If Classics Is for Everybody, Why Isn’t Everybody in My Class? Building Bridges and Opening Doors to the Study of Classics (Independence C)
- 2-4:30pm: Session #84, Variant Voices in Roman Foundation Narratives (Monument)