
Participation: 25%

Participation means contributing to our class meetings in productive and respectful ways through translating or asking questions about the Latin, discussing the arguments of and your responses to works of secondary scholarship, asking questions and offering thoughts in the Zoom chat box, and engaging in productive dialogues with your classmates and with me.

Reflection Papers: 20%

Six times throughout the semester, you will submit reflection papers on works of secondary scholarship assigned for that week. I will provide specific prompts for each piece for you to answer in your reflection. Generally, each reflection should be no more than 1-2pp. double spaced, but shorter or longer is okay as long as you answer the prompt. Only Responses 0 and 1 (both parts) have definite due dates; the rest will all be due by our final day of class (Th 5/6), but I will suggest staggered due dates so that the five responses do not pile up at the end of the semester.

Grammar Quizzes: 20%

Once per week over the weekend, you will complete a quiz aimed at the grammar of the Latin that we discussed in class that week. Quizzes will include questions that ask you to parse words, identify syntactic dependencies, explain morphology and syntax, and translate or paraphrase sentences or paragraphs. All quizzes will be open-note and open-resource, and there will be no time limit for any quiz.

Unessay: 35%

As a semester-long project, you will complete an Unessay. See the Unessay page for details.

Final Semester Grade

The final grade will be calculated as a percentage out of 100; then, it will be converted to a letter grade according to the following scheme:

A = 96-100%; A- = 90-95%
B+ = 87-89%; B = 84-86%; B- = 80-83%
C+ = 77-79%; C = 74-76%; C- = 70-73%
D+ = 67-69%; D = 65-66%
F = 0-64%

Grades ending in .45 or greater will be rounded up to the nearest whole number; grades ending in .44 or less will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.