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This section of your semester grade will come from participating in class, which means demonstrating that you’ve read the assignment before the class period in question (including noting vocabulary, syntactic constructions, any questions that you have about the grammar or vocab), engaging with your classmates and me, asking appropriate questions and requesting appropriate clarifications, and paying attention throughout the class period.
You will be asked to recite 7-12 lines of your choice from Homer’s Iliad with proper pronunciation and meter. Brownie points for tone and inflection. The most straightforward passage to choose would be the proem (1.1-7). You do NOT need to memorize; you can have the text in front of you, marked however you’d like to help with your reading. You can either do this live via a one-on-one Zoom meeting or via an audio or video recording. You may complete this assignment at any point in the semester, though I recommend later in the semester to ensure you have a good grasp on dactylic hexameter. More specific guidelines to come.
There will be ten (10) quizzes throughout the semester, each weighted at 3%, designed to test your mastery of vocabulary, grammar, and translation. Each quiz will be taken outside of class time, and they will be open-book, open-note, and open-Internet. The quiz schedule is included in the course schedule. More details to come.
There will be three (3) exams (each worth 10%) this semester. All three exams will be open-note, open-book, open-Internet exams that you will complete outside of class. Each will include morphological and grammar questions, translation prompts (for both passages prepared in class and in homework and passages at sight), scansion exercises, and comprehension questions/essays. The due dates of each exam are listed in the course schedule, with the third exam due at the endpoint of our registrar-appointed final exam time during finals period. More details to come.
The final grade will be calculated as a percentage out of 100; then, it will be converted to a letter grade according to the following scheme:
A = 96-100%; A- = 90-95%
B+ = 87-89%; B = 84-86%; B- = 80-83%
C+ = 77-79%; C = 74-76%; C- = 70-73%
D+ = 67-69%; D = 65-66%
F = 0-64%
Grades ending in .45 or greater will be rounded up to the nearest whole number; grades ending in .44 or less will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.