Vocabulary Master - First Semester

This is a master list of vocabulary that was used in LATN 101 in Fall 2019.

-ne (enclitic) - (indicates a question)
-que (enclitic) - and

ā/ab (+ abl.) - (away) from, by
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus - to accept, receive
ācer, ācris, ācre - keen, sharp
aciēs, aciēī, f. - battle line
ad (+ acc. gerund/gerundive) - for the purpose of
ad (+ acc.) - to, toward, at
adhuc - still
aetas, aetātis, f. - life, lifetime, age
agricola, agricolae, m. - farmer
alius, alia, aliud - another, other; aliī…aliī = “some … others”
alter, altera, alterum - other, one (of two); alter…alter = “one … the other”
altus, -a, -um - tall, deep, high
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love
annus, -ī, m. - year
antequam - before
appellō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus - to call, address, name
apud (+ acc.) - with, at, by, near
ars, artis, f. - art, skill
aspiciō, aspicere, aspexī, aspectus - to look at, behold
at - but (stronger than sed)
atque / ac - and
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus - to hear
aut - or; aut…aut - “either … or”
autem (post-positive) - however, on the other hand
auxilium, auxiliī, n. - help, aid, support

bonus, bona, bonum - good
brevis, -e - short

canō, canere, cecinī, cantus - to sing
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus - to take, seize
caput, capitis, n. - head
carmen, carminis, n. - song, poem
causā / gratiā (postpositive, + gen.) - because of, for the sake of, for the purpose of
cautus, -a, -um - careful, cautious, wary
centum (indeclinable) - one hundred
ceterus, -a, -um - the rest, remaining
cīvis, cīvis, m./f. - citizen
cognoscō, cognoscere, cognōvī, cognitus - to recognize, understand, perceive, learn
conor, conārī, conātus sum - to try (+ inf.)
consilium, consiliī, n. - plan, counsel, advice
corpus, corporis, n. - body
credō, credere, credidī, creditus (+ dat.) - to believe, trust
cum (+ abl.) - with
cum - when cūr - why
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus - to run

dē (+ abl.) - down from
decem (indeclinable) - ten
decimus, -a, -um - tenth
deinde - next, thereafter, thereupon, then
difficilis, -e - difficult
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus - to say, speak
diēs, diēī, m. - day
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessūrus - to depart
discō, discere, didicī, —– - to learn
dō, dare, dedī, datus - to give
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach
dōnum, -ī, n. - gift
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus - to lead
dum (+ indicative) - while, as long as
dum (+ subjunctive) - until
duo, duae, duo - two
dux, ducis, m. - leader

ē/ex (+ abl.) - out of, from
ego, nōs - I, me, we, us
enim (postpositive) - for
eō, īre, īvī/iī, itūrus - to go
epistula, -ae, f. - letter
est - is (for third-person singular subjects)
et - and; et … et - “both … and”
exemplum, exemplī n. - example

facilis, -e - easy
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus - to make, do
familia, familiae f. - family
fātum, fātī, n. - fate
fēmina, fēminae, f. - woman
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus - to bear, carry, bring
ferox, ferōcis - fierce
fidēs, fideī, f. - faith, trust
fīlia, fīliae f. - daughter
fīlius, fīliī m. - son
flūmen, fluminis, n. - river
fortis, forte - strong, brave
frāter, frātris m. - brother
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitus - to flee

genū, genūs, n. - knee
genus, generis, n. - family, race, kind, stock, clan

habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus - to have
hic, haec, hoc (irregular) - this, these
homō, hominis m. - human, man
hora, -ae, f. - hour
horribilis, horribile - horrible, terrible
hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum - to exhort, encourage (+ acc.)
hortus, -ī, m. - garden
hospitium, -ī, n. - hospitality
hostis, -is, m. - enemy

iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactus - to throw, hurl
iam - now, already
ibi - there
ignis, -is, m. - fire
ille, illa, illud (irregular) - that, those (as opposed to hic, haec, hoc)
imperō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus - to order, command (+ dat.)
impleō, implēre, implēvī, implētus - to fill up
in (+ abl.) - in, on
in (+ acc.) - into
incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptus - to begin (+ inf.)
incolumis, incolume - unharmed, safe
inde - from there, thence
infestus, -a, -um - hostile, enemy
ingens, ingentis - huge
inquam, inquit - I say/said, he/she/it says/said
insignis, insigne - distinguished, prominent, extraordinary
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus - to kill
ipse, ipsa, ipsum - very, the same, -self (emphasizes the word it modifies)
ira, -ae, f. - anger
itaque - and so, therefore
iter, itineris, n. - journey
iūvat (impersonal) - it is pleasing

laetus, laeta, laetum - happy
legō, legere, lēgī, lectus - to read
lex, legis, f. - law
līber, lībera, līberum - free
līber, lībrī, m. - book
licet (impersonal) - it is allowed
locus, -ī, m. - place
longus, -a, -um - long
loquor, loquī, locutus sum - to speak, say
lux, lūcis, f. - light

magnus, magna, magnum - great
mālō, mālle, māluī - to prefer
manus, manūs, f. - hand
mare, maris, n. - sea
maritus, maritī m. - husband
māter, mātris f. - mother
mensis, -is, m. - month
meus, mea, meum - my
mīles, mīlitis, m. - soldier
miror, mirārī, mirātus sum - to marvel at, wonder
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus - to warn, advise (+ acc.)
mons, montis, m. - mountain
monstrum, monstrī n. - monster, beast
morior, morī, mortuus sum - to die
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move
multus, multa, multum - much, many

nam - for
nāvis, nāvis, f. - ship
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus - to deny, to say that … not
neque / nec - and … not, nor; neque/nec…neque/nec - “neither … nor”
nesciō, nescīre, nescīvī, nescītus - not to know, to be ignorant
nōlō, nōlle, nōluī - not to want
nōmen, nōminis, n. - name
nōn - not
nonne - (indicates a question that expects the answer “yes”)
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
nox, noctis, f. - night
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum (-īus) - no, none
num - (indicates a question that expects the answer “no”)
nunc - now
nuntiō, nuntiāre, nuntiāvī, nuntiātus - to announce, report

ob (+ acc.) - because of
occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus - to kill
oculus, oculī, m. - eye
omnis, omne - all, every

parēns, parentis m./f. - parent
parō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus - to prepare
pars, partis, f. - part
parvus, -a, -um - small
pāter, pātris m. - father
patria, -ae, f. - homeland
pax, pācis, f. - peace
pēs, pedis, m. - foot
petō, petere, petīvī, petitus - to seek, attack
possum, posse, potuī - to be able to, can
postea - afterward
postquam - after
potestas, potestatis, f. - power, ability
praeter (+ acc.) - past, beyond; besides, except
prīmus, prīma, primum - first
prō (+ abl.) - in front of, on behalf of
proficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum - to set out, start, go forth, march, travel, depart
propter (+ acc.) - near; because of
puella, puellae f. - girl
puer, puerī m. - boy
puniō, punīre, punīvī, punītus - to punish
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātus - to think

quartus, -a, -um - fourth
quattuor (indeclinable) - four
quī, quae, quod - which? what?
quīnque (indeclinable) - five
quintus, -a, -um - fifth
quis, quid - who? whom? which? what?
quod - because

rēgīna, rēgīnae f. - queen
regnum, regnī, n. - kingdom
regō, regere, rexī, rectus - to rule
reor, rērī, rātus sum - to think, believe, suppose
rēs, reī, f. - thing, matter, situation, affair
rēx, rēgis m. - king
rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātus - to ask (+ acc.)

sapiēns, sapientis - wise
saepe - often
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītus - to know
scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptus - to write
sed - but
sedeō, sedēre, sēdī, sessus - to sit
septem (indeclinable) - seven
septimus, -a, -um - seventh
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum - to follow
serpēns, serpentis, m./f. - serpent, snake
sex (indeclinable) - six
sextus, -a, -um - sixth
sine (+ abl.) - without
socius, -a, -um - allied
socius, sociī, m. - ally
soror, sorōris f. - sister
sperō, sperāre, sperāvī, sperātus - to hope
sub (+ abl.) - under
subitō - suddenly, unexpectedly
suī, sibi, sē, sē - him/her/itself, themselves
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be
sunt - are (for third-person plural subjects)
suus, -a, -um - his/her/its own, their own

tandem - at last, finally
tempus, tempōris, n. - time, season
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus - to hold, keep, have
terra, terrae, f. - earth, land
tollō, tollere, sustūlī, sublātus - to lift up, to raise
trāns (+ acc.) - across, through
trēs, tria - three
trīstis, trīste - sad
tū, vōs - you, you all
tum - then
tunc - at that time
tuus, tua, tuum - your

ubī - where, when
unde - from where
ūnus, -a, -um - one
urbs, urbis, f. - city
uter, utra, utrum (-īus) - both, whichever of two
uxor, uxōris f. - wife

vel - or; vel…vel - “either … or”
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventus - to come
verbum, verbī, n. - word
vereor, verērī, veritus sum - to fear, be afraid
vērus, vēra, vērum - true
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (pl.)
videō, vidēre, vīdī, visus - to see; (passive) to seem
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus - to conquer, win
vir, virī, m. - man
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus - to call, summon
volō, velle, voluī - to want, wish
vox, vocis, f. - voice