Module 3 - Expressions of Place and Time - Vocabulary


annus, -ī, m. - year

hora, -ae, f. - hour

iter, itineris, n. - journey

locus, -ī, m. - place

lux, lūcis, f. - light

mensis, -is, m. - month

nox, noctis, f. - night

pēs, pedis, m. - foot

tempus, tempōris, n. - time, season


altus, -a, -um - tall, deep, high

quattuor (indeclinable) - four

quartus, -a, -um - fourth

quīnque (indeclinable) - five

quintus, -a, -um - fifth

sex (indeclinable) - six

sextus, -a, -um - sixth

septem (indeclinable) - seven

septimus, -a, -um - seventh

decem (indeclinable) - ten

decimus, -a, -um - tenth

centum (indeclinable) - one hundred


accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus - to accept, receive

moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus - to move

petō, petere, petīvī, petitus - to seek, attack


ā/ab (+ abl.) - (away) from, by

ad (+ acc.) - to, toward, at

cum (+ abl.) - with

dē (+ abl.) - down from

ē/ex (+ abl.) - out of, from

in (+ abl.) - in, on

in (+ acc.) - into

ob (+ acc.) - because of

prō (+ abl.) - in front of, on behalf of

sub (+ abl.) - under

trāns (+ acc.) - across, through


aut - or; aut…aut - “either … or”

enim (postpositive) - for

nam - for

neque / nec - and … not, nor; neque/nec…neque/nec - “neither … nor”


iam - now, already

nunc - now

tum - then

tunc - at that time