agricola, agricolae, m. - farmer
exemplum, exemplī n. - example
familia, familiae f. - family
fīlia, fīliae f. - daughter
fīlius, fīliī m. - son
frāter, frātris m. - brother
homō, hominis m. - human, man
maritus, maritī m. - husband
māter, mātris f. - mother
monstrum, monstrī n. - monster, beast
nōmen, nōminis, n. - name
parēns, parentis m./f. - parent
pāter, pātris m. - father
puella, puellae f. - girl
puer, puerī m. - boy
rēgīna, rēgīnae f. - queen
rēx, rēgis m. - king
soror, sorōris f. - sister
uxor, uxōris f. - wife
ācer, ācris, ācre - keen, sharp
bonus, bona, bonum - good
hic, haec, hoc (irregular) - this, these
horribilis, horribile - horrible, terrible
ille, illa, illud (irregular) - that, those (as opposed to hic, haec, hoc)
ipse, ipsa, ipsum - very, the same, -self (emphasizes the word it modifies)
laetus, laeta, laetum - happy
magnus, magna, magnum - great
meus, mea, meum - my
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum (-īus) - no, none
sapiēns, sapientis - wise
trīstis, trīste - sad
tuus, tua, tuum - your
uter, utra, utrum (-īus) - both, whichever of two
vērus, vēra, vērum - true
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (pl.)
est - is (for third-person singular subjects)
sunt - are (for third-person plural subjects)
et - and; et … et - “both … and”
nōn - not